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9 Agile Recruiting Tools For Candidate Outreach

We recently compiled a list of tools recommended by recruiters we trust in a free, 60-page e-book called, “The Agile Technology Guide for Modern Recruiters.”

In our search for the best technology to support independent and lean internal recruiters, we gathered up 40 of the best affordable or free tools on the market that can give you an edge in your work. One of the areas of the recruiting workflow we cover in the e-book is candidate outreach.

In our last blog post, we said that rockstar recruiters conduct outreach like marketers and we gave you six tips for making the most of your outreach efforts.

Today we want to share nine tools that can give you an edge in reaching out to candidates like a marketer:

1. Outreach

With Outreach you can test the effectiveness of your outreach language with A/B testing, schedule automated follow-ups, sync with Salesforce, and leverage powerful analytics to improve the way you reach out to candidates.


Recommended to us by recruiting influencer Lars Schmidt as a free tool that saves him hours per week, allows you to schedule meetings with ease while automatically detecting time zones from your Gmail inbox (coming soon to Outlook).

3. ToutApp

See when a candidate views your email or clicks on links included in your communications and streamline scheduling. Tout also reminds you to follow up when it really counts.

4. Yesware

Leverage email tracking and analytics to get instant insights on which candidates engage with your emails when. Schedule emails to send later and set reminders to save time and stay on top of your inbox. Yesware also allows you to “click to call” directly within your inbox. Bonus! If you use fewer than 100 tracking events per month, Yesware is free.

5. Cloze

Make the most of your inbox with follow up reminders and simple search for contacts with the keywords you care about most. This new smart communication app, Cloze is also a social media management tool that integrates with Twitter to automatically create lists of people you’re in contact with most frequently.

6. Hootsuite

If you use social media to find or connect with candidates, look no further than Hootsuite’s social media management dashboard. Manage social mentions and relevant conversations with a unified inbox and set up streams around important keywords with this free tool. You can also keep in touch with “big fish” candidates on social so you can effectively reach out through multiple touch points.

7. Mention

Mention allows you to use smart keyword searches to monitor relevant conversations on social media and get alerts so you can jump into conversations when it matters. For example, you can set up searches for terms like “looking for a job” or “just applied” to stay on top of social media opportunities as they present themselves.

8. Perfect Audience

Retargeting technology can be a powerful tool to deliver ads to job seekers who may have viewed the company careers site or job listing, but didn’t apply for a role. With Perfect Audience, ads are delivered around the web on relevant sites as well as on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

9. Facebook Ads

With arguably the lowest cost of entry for any online paid media platform, Facebook Ads can help you fill those impossible-to-place roles with a maximum campaign budget you, your organization, or your client are comfortable with. Prices are based on cost-per-click or cost-per-impression and smart conversion tracking can tell you how many people have applied because of the ad placement.

Conducting candidate outreach like a marketer means leaving an impression with effective communication. You already have the people skills, now get the tech skills that will take your recruitment game to the next level.

Get the eBook

Want to get access to the 40 vetted tools and hacks we’ve included in our free, 60-page e-book? Download “The Agile Technology Guide for Modern Recruiters” today and get access to the full list of game-changing applications.

In the e-book, you’ll find:

  • Seven stages in the modern recruiter’s workflow;
  • Technology recommendations for each stage;
  • An overview of features and benefits for each platform recommended; and
  • A printable, at-a-glance technology matrix of all of the tools included.